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Figure shows the P-V diagram of an ideal gas undergoing a change of state from A to B. Four different parts I, II, III and IV as shown in the figure may lead to the same change of state.

(a) Change in internal energy is the same in IV and III cases, but not in I and II.
(b) Change in internal energy is the same in all four cases.
(c) Work done is maximum in case I
(d) Work done is minimum in case II.

Answers (1)

dU is independent of the path followed in a P-V diagram. It depends only on the initial and final position. Work done is the area enclosed with the V-axis.

The initial and final positions are the same for different parts I, II, III, IV. So the change in U is the same. Hence b is correct.

As the area enclosed by path I is maximum with the V-axis, so work done during path I is maximum and minimum in III.

Hence, c is correct.

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