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In the coastal areas, wind current moves from the sea towards the land during the day but during the night it moves from land to the sea. Discuss the reason.

Answers (1)

The differential heating of land and sea results in the formation of a breeze, usually in the coastal areas. Land and sea breezes are the winds of a periodic type. Land and sea breezes occur daily. A land breeze is created when the land is cooler than the water such as at night and the surface winds have to be very light. When this happens the air over the water slowly begins to rise, as the air begins to rise, the air over the surface of the ocean has to be replaced, this is done by drawing the air from the land over the water. A sea breeze is created when the surface of the land is heated sufficiently to start raising the air. As air rises, it is replaced by air from the sea. Sea breezes tend to be much stronger and can produce gusty winds as the sun can heat the land to very warm temperatures, thereby creating a significant temperature contrast to the water. So that is the reason wind current moves from the sea towards the land during the day, but during the night it moves from land to the sea.

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