A DNA marker Is a gene sequence on a known chromosome which can be used to identify an individual or a species. A genetic marker or DNA marker can be a short sequence or a long sequence. Following are the commonly used markers for DNA fingerprinting.
- RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphism)
- SSLP (Simple sequence length polymorphism)
- AFLP (Amplified fragment length polymorphism)
- RAPD (Random amplification of polymorphic DNA)
- VNTR (Variable number tandem repeat)
- SSR Microsatellite polymorphism. (Simple sequence repeat)
- SNP (Single nucleotide polymorphism)
- STR (Short tandem repeat)
- SFP (Single feature polymorphism)
- DArT (Diversity Arrays Technology)
- RAD markers (Restriction site-associated DNA markers)
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