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The lengths in centimetres (to the nearest centimetre) of 30 carrotsare given as follows:



Arrange the data given above in a table using tally marks and answerthe following questions.

(a)What is the number of carrots which have length more than 20 cm? 

(b)Which length of the carrots occur maximum number of times?Minimum number of times?

Answers (1)

Length in cm  Tally Marks     Number of carrots
15 5
18 6
20 9
21 6
22 4


a) The number of carrots which have a length more than 20 cm is 6 + 4 = 10.
(b) The carrots of the length 20 cm occur maximum number of times and the carrots of the length 22 cm occur minimum number of times. 

Posted by

Ravindra Pindel

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