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Which of the following complexes are heteroleptic?

(i) \left [ Cr(NH_{3})_{6} \right ]^{3+}

(ii) \left [ Fe(NH_{3})_{4}Cl_{2} \right ]^{+}

(iii) \left [ Mn(CN)_{6}\right ]^{4-}

(iv) \left [ Co(NH_{3})_{4}Cl_{2} \right ]

Answers (1)

Option (ii) and (iv) are the correct answers.

Explanation: Metal is bonded to more than one kind of ligands in complexes \left [ Fe(NH_{3})_{4}Cl_{2} \right ]^{+}and \left [ Co(NH_{3})_{4}Cl_{2} \right ] therefore they are heteroleptic.

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