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Which of the following complexes formed by \text {Cu}^{2+} ions is most stable?

(i) \text {Cu}^{2+}+\text {4NH}_{3}\rightleftharpoons \left [ \text {Cu}\left ( \text {NH}_{3} \right )_{4} \right ]^{2+}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \text {logK}= 11.6

(ii) \text {Cu}^{2+}+\text {4CN}^{-}\rightleftharpoons \left [ \text {Cu}\left ( \text {CN} \right )_{4} \right ]^{2-}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \text {logK}= 27.3

(iii) \text {Cu}^{2+}+\text {2en}\rightleftharpoons \left [ \text {Cu}\left ( \text {en} \right )_{2} \right ]^{2+}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \text {logK}= 15.4

(iv) \text {Cu}^{2+}+\text {4H}_{2}\text {O}\rightleftharpoons \left [ \text {Cu}\left ( \text {H}_{2}\text {O} \right )_{4} \right ]^{2+}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \text {logK}= 8.9

Answers (1)

Option (ii) is the correct answer.


The stability of a compound will be more when the value of log K increases.

For reaction,

\text {Cu}^{2+}+\text {4CN}^{-}\rightleftharpoons \left [ \text {Cu}\left ( \text {CN} \right )_{4} \right ]^{2-}

\text {K}=\frac{\left [ \text {Cu}\left ( \text {CN}_{4} \right ) ^{2-}\right ]}{\left [ \text {Cu}^{2+} \right ]\left [ \text {CN}^{-} \right ]^{4}}\;\text {and} \; \text {log K}=27.3

Log K has the highest value for this reaction amongst all the four reactions. The value of K will also be higher so, the stability of this complex will be highest.

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