A plant may have different names in different regions of the country or the world. How do botanists solve this problem?
Ans: As it is quite obvious that there are a zillion languages that are spoken all around the world and they further have more dialects, it is possible that the name of a plant species would be different for different languages. This can create a huge problem as the people cannot remember a million names for a single plant, and when it comes to remembering so many names for all the species, it is impossible. Botanists have solved this problem by setting the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). Thus, ensuring that the naming of all the species is unique and yet same globally. The botanical name of a plant species consists of its genus name and its species name. This ensures that the scientific name of a particular plant species is the same for the ease of research. e.g., mango has the botanical name Mangifera indica which is accepted all across the world.