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 Differentiate between

a. Bract and Bracteole

b. Pulvinus and petiole

c. Pedicel and peduncle

d. Spike and spadix

e. Stamen and staminoid

f. Pollen and pollinium

Answers (1)

a. The bracteolate is a bract-like structure present at the base of the flower, while a bract is a leaf-like structure found towards the base of the pedicle.
b. Petiole is a subcylindrical stalk that connects the lamina with the leaf base, while Pulvinus is a swollen leaf base found in leguminous plants.
c. The Peduncle is the stalk of the whole inflorescence, while a pedicle is the stalk of a flower.
d. The spadix is covered by several large bracts known as spathes, while in a spike, sessile flowers are attached to an elongated peduncle.
e. Every stamen represents a male reproductive organ, and the androecium comprises stamens. Staminode is a sterile stamen. 
f. Polonium is defined as a group of pollen grains, while pollen is a male gametophyte of angiosperms.

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Safeer PP

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