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Match the following and choose the correct option.

Column I                                         Column II

A. Aleurone layer                         i. without fertilisation

B. Parthenocarpic fruit.                ii. Nutrition

C. Ovule                                      iii. Double fertilisation

D. Endosperm                              iv. Seed


a. A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv

b. A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii

c. A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii

d. A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii

Answers (2)

  • Aleurone layer - a layer of protein storage cells present in cereal maise seed and is a form of reserved food material.
  • Parthenocarpic fruit - when the ovary is stimulated to form fruit without fertilisation, then it is a parthenocarpic fruit. For example, seedless grapes and watermelon.
  • Ovule: contains embryo sac with the egg cell, synergids, polar nuclei and antipodal cells. In angiosperms, the pollen tube releases two male gametes, of which one fuses with the egg cell to form the zygote while the other fuses with polar nuclei to form triploid  PEN (primary endosperm nucleus). The fertilised ovule forms the seed.
  • Endosperm- PEN develops into endosperm, which provides nutrients to the developing embryo. Endosperm is formed as a result of double fertilisation in angiosperms. It is the product of the primary endosperm nucleus formed due to the fusion of the male gamete and the secondary nucleus (fused polar nuclei).

The correct answer is the option (B) that is 'A- (ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D - (iii)'. 

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Priyanka Kumari

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B is the correct answer

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