please solve rd sharma class 12 chapter 9 Differentiability exercise Multiple choice question, question 1 maths textbook solution
HINTS: Learn the definition of continuity and differentiability
Now for the continuity of f(x),
Check at x=0
therefore f(x) continuous for x=0
For differentiability of f(x) at x=0
LHD at x=0
RHD at x=0
As LHD and RHD at x=0
f(x) is not differentiable at x=0
Now, continuity of g(x)
Check at x=0
Differentiability of g(x) at x=0
LHD of x=0
RHD at x=0
As LHD and RHD at x=0
g(x) is differentiable at x=0