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Is it correct to say that photosynthesis occurs only in leaves of a plant? Besides leaves, what are the other parts that may be capable of carrying out photosynthesis? Justify.

Answers (1)

Photosynthesis occurs in green parts of the plants which include parts other than the leaves as well. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that photosynthesis occurs in the leaves only. Most of the other parts of the plants are effective enough to carry out the process of photosynthesis. Some of the examples are listed below.

In plants, sepals are green in colour. Therefore, they also carry out photosynthesis.

The roots of Tinospora and Trapa possess chlorophyll and can carry out the process of photosynthesis.

In the case of opuntia, the leaves are modified into thorns resulting in a low transpiration rate. Moreover, the stems are also modified into green structures. Therefore, photosynthesis can occur in these stems.

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