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What special autonomous features are displayed by leaves of C4 plants? How do they provide an advantage over the structure of C3 plants?

Answers (1)

The C4 plants showcase special anatomy commonly known as the Kranz anatomy. The vascular bundles in the leaves are surrounded by a large sheath of cells. Several layers of these cells get multiplied with the help of chloroplast. The thick walls of the bundle sheath cell do not have intercellular spaces. These cell layers provide a greater advantage to the C4 plants and therefore help in accelerating the concentration of carbon dioxide. The binding of the enzyme RuBisCo depends on the competitive concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Therefore, high levels of CO2 help result in the formation of carboxylase. This also results in carbon fixation. The entire scenario results in high levels of biomass as compared to the C3 plants.

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