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Some of these terms/ chemicals are associated with the C4 cycle Explain

a. Hatch slack pathway
b. Calvin cycle
c. PEP carboxylase
d. Bundle sheath cells

Answers (1)

Answer -
a. The hatch and slack pathway indicate the process of synthesis of glucose in the C4 plants. It was first discovered in the year 1977     by two scientists named M D Hatch and C R Slack.

b. During photosynthesis, the splitting of water molecules results in the formation of carbohydrates. This cycle of carbohydrate formation is termed as Calvin cycle. It was discovered by Melvin Calvin.

c. PEP carboxylase is an enzyme responsible for fixing carbon and forming oxaloacetate. It is mainly present in C4 plants.

d. Bundle sheath cells are special sclerenchyma cells located around the vascular bundles in the veins of C 4 plants.

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