What are the major parts of the brain? Mention the functions of different parts.
The major parts of the human brain are-
Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain. It is divided into two hemispheres; called cerebral hemispheres. The cerebrum controls voluntary motor actions. It is the site of sensory perceptions and the seat of learning and memory.
Hypothalamus: The hypothalamus lies at the base of the cerebrum. It controls the sleep and wake cycle of the body. It also controls the urge to eat and drink.
Cerebellum: Cerebellum lies below the cerebrum and at the back of the whole structure. It is responsible for the voluntary actions of the body and helps in maintaining the equilibrium of the body.
Medulla: Medulla forms the brain stem; along with the pons. It lies at the base of the brain and continues into the spinal cord. The medulla controls various involuntary functions: like a heartbeat, respiration, etc.