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Need solution for RD Sharma Maths Class 12 Chapter 30 Probability Exercise Case Study Based  Question, question 5 sub question (i).


Answers (1)




            You must know rules of finding probability


            Machine A produce 1% defective item, B produce 5%, C produce 7%. Operator A on job for 50% of time, B on job for 30% and C on job for 20%


A= Event that item produced by operator A

B= Item produced by operator B

C= Item produced by operator C

D= Item produced is defective

An item is chosen from the items produced, the probability that it is defective is

\begin{aligned} &P(D)=P(A) \cdot P\left(\frac{D}{A}\right)+P(B) \cdot P\left(\frac{D}{B}\right)+P(C) \cdot P\left(\frac{D}{C}\right) \\ &=50 \% \times 1 \%+30 \% \times 5 \%+20 \% \times 7 \% \\ &=0.5 \times 0.01+0.3 \times 0.05+0.2 \times 0.07 \\ &=0.034 \\ &=\frac{34}{1000} \\ &=\frac{17}{500} \end{aligned}

So, (b) is correct answer

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