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Explain solution RD Sharma class 12 Chapter 29 Linear Programming exercise 29.4 question 34

Answers (1)


No. of box=6, small box=12

Maximum profit=Rs.42


Let required quantity of large and small boxes are x and y respectively.


Profits on each unit of large and small boxes are Rs.3 and Rs.2 respectively.


Let Z be total profit

Z=3x+2y  [Where x and y are the quantity of large and small boxes]

Since each large and small box require 4sq.m and 3sq.m cardboard, but only 60sq.m of cardboard is available

 4 x+3 y \leq 60

Since manufacture is required to make at least three large boxes.


    x \geq 3

Since manufacture is required to make at least twice as many small boxes as large boxes.


   y \geq 2

The required LPP is Max Z = 20x + 5y


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