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Provide Solution for RD Sharma Class 12 Chapter 29 Linear Programming Exercise 29.4 Question 38

Answers (1)

Answer: 8 gold rings and 16 chains must be manufactured per day.


Let, gold ring manufactured per day= x

        Chains manufactured per day= y


Total number of rings and chain manufactured per day is almost 24.

Time taken to make a ring=1 hour

Time taken to make a chain=30 minutes

Maximum number of hours available per day=16 hrs

Profit on a chain =190 and profit on ring=300


Let gold rings manufactured per day=x

Chain manufacture per day=y

LPP is:

Maximize Z= 300x + 190y

Subject to x \geq 0, y \geq 0

x+y \leq 24, x+\frac{1}{2} \leq 16

Possible point for maximum Z is (16, 0), (8, 16) and (0, 24)

Hence Z MAXIMUM at (8, 16)

8 gold rings and 16 chains must be manufactured per day


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