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Please Solve R.D.Sharma class 12 Chapter 30 Probaility  Exercise 30.5 Question 8 Maths Textbook Solution.

Answers (1)


Hint: You must know the rules of finding probability.

Given :Bag contains 8 red and 6 green balls.

The balls are drawn without replacement.

Solution: Bag = (8R + 6G) =14 balls

P(atleast 2 balls are green)= 1-P(at most one ball is green)

=1-[P(first green, second and third red)+ P(first red , second green , third red ) +P(first and second red , third green) +P( all red)]

\begin{aligned} &=1-\left[\frac{6}{14} \times \frac{8}{13} \times \frac{7}{12}+\frac{8}{14} \times \frac{6}{13} \times \frac{7}{12}+\frac{8}{14} \times \frac{7}{13} \times \frac{6}{12}+\frac{8}{14} \times \frac{7}{13} \times \frac{6}{12}\right] \\\\ &=1-\left[\frac{336}{2184}+\frac{336}{2184}+\frac{336}{2184}+\frac{336}{2184}\right] \\\\ &=1-\frac{1344}{2184} \\\\ &=\frac{2184-1344}{2184}=\frac{840}{2184} \\\\ &=\frac{5}{13} \end{aligned}

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