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Provide Solution For  R.D. Sharma Maths Class 12 Chapter 30 Probaility  Exercise 30.5 Question 15 Maths Textbook Solution.

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Hint: You must know the rules of finding probability.

Given: Bag contains 7 white, 5 black, 4 red balls

Four balls are drawn without replacement.


We have

White=7, Black=5, Red=4

Four balls are drawn without replacement

P(at least 3 black balls are black)

=P(3 black balls and one not black or 4 black balls)

=P(3 black and one not black)+P(4 black balls)

\begin{aligned} &n C_{r}=\frac{n !}{r !(n-r) !} \\ &=\frac{5 C_{3} \times 11 C_{1}}{16 C_{4}}+\frac{5 C_{4}}{16 C_{4}} \\ &=\frac{51}{31(5-3)} \times \frac{111}{11(11-1)}+\frac{51}{41(5-4)} \\ \end{aligned}

\begin{aligned} &=\frac{16 !}{4 !(16-4) !} \\\\ &=\frac{5 !}{3 ! 2 !} \times \frac{11 !}{10 !}+\frac{5 !}{4 ! 1 !} \\\\ &=\frac{16 !}{4 ! 2 !} \\\\ &=\frac{\frac{5.4}{2} \times 11+5}{\frac{16.15 .14 .13}{4.3 .2}} \end{aligned}

=\frac{\left ( 110+5 \right )}{1820}



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